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Nintendo failed epically with this Mediocre-U console that they barely though out. Instead of putting in some reasonable specs into the console they wasted all the money on a tablet. That will probably be the decision that dooms them. We have already had an Xbox 360/PS3 for 8 years now and don't need another one. Core gamers aren't waiting for another 360-- they are waiting for the next thing. Even 360 and Ps3 have a lot to prove to show they can be viable in the next-gen as well. It is an uphill battle for everyone. Online gaming was the major innovation of the last-gen. I'm not sure that there will be a major innovation in the next gen unless more AR gaming is released with virtual reality glasses, etc.

Wii U can't sell this generation with their games alone. 3rd parties have moved on to the next-gen. I think Nintendo is done with the home console business by the next-gen. They can no longer compete with all the cheap technology out there.


Most anticipated games of 2011:

Uncharted 3,Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Rocksmith

Modern Warfare 3, Super Mario 3D