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FF7 is a vey love-it-or-hate-it game, it's true. The exceptionally dated visuals and laughably bad MIDI mapping make it the weakest entry in the series on the aesthetic side. The gameplay is remarkably easy, but then so is FF6's. The story is confusing thanks largely to the sub-par translation it got, so unless you're willing to muddle through the occasionally Engrish-worthy dialogue to figure out what's really being said, you're unlikely to enjoy the game for its story.

I personally find that I have less trouble picking up and playing FF6 than FF7. It has nothing at all to do with FF7's visual, audio, or gameplay shortcomings, and everything to do with pacing. FF7 starts off slow and monotonous, and doesn't pick up considerably until you leave Midgard. FF6 starts you out running, and doesn't really let up on this until you've managed to get back where you started. It's a perfect polar opposite of focus, going from slow to fast in FF7 and from fast to slow in FF6. FF6's method works better for me, for whatever reason.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.