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Well a few things are wrong here,

pretty much all the FF games have had growing Scifi theme to them since FF IV and the huge gigantic walking robot. FF VI opened up with people walking in mechs had a level entirely wrapped around a train(ghost train) and introduced the opera house(casino in FF VII).
The main character has amnesia and doesn't know what she is and there is a love story in VI not too mention an enemy that is actually evil. The story in VI is so much better than VIIs it isn't even funny.
However VII is a fun RPG it carries over a lot of the story elements from VI and upgrades the battle system(ultima is like the precursor to the summons IMO). It introduced a new way to connect to the charcters emotional through FMV and finally broke the genre free from sprite based technology and allowed for detailed prerendered backdrops like Myst had. It gets a lot of hate perhaps for the style change or for the fact that new generation of gamers who played it call it the best FF ever while I would garner that many who have played FF IV would beg to differ.

To me it represents the schism between old school and new school gamers. Where the presentation of a game of the game matters more than the content of the game(though both still matter) Super mario 64 was the final nail in this coffin(some peopel call that the best platformer of all time).