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I'm have to agree with Twesterm here. in that there were many people who just automatically believed that 7 was better than the ones before it. Right now, I would consider 7 a good game and certainly recommend it to some people if I think it suits their tastes, but I personally though that 6 is much better. I did however get into disagreements with people in school for a few years when they tried to talk about 7 like it was the best game ever. Some even would claim that it was the best FF ever. (At the points shortly after 9 and 10 came out), and upon my asking them which ones they have played, it was always only games 7 and up.

That did kinda bother me, so I was a little against the game for awhile, but now I'd say it's alright. Not sure how I feel about the "milkings" of it though as I haven't played those. For all I know, they could be reasonably good games. I know someone who is/was playing Crisis Core, so maybe I can ask them about it or borrow it eventually.

 Note: I'm not saying that I don't know anyone who has played pre-7 games that don't like it the best. It just happened to be that they were never ones I really had that problem with. We may disagree on which one was best, but they were actually open to someone else actually having a different opinion than them. For some reason, at least at that time, it seemed basically everyon who hadn't played the older ones were a bit moer stubborn or elitist about it. Thinking just right now, that seems amusing. It's usually the people who have been around who get that way, isn't it?