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I understand the point of doing this, but there is a bit of a conflict of interest here. Microsoft is a first party developer, but basically has two consoles. PC has been monopolized by Microsoft for years. It's a fact. It's too easy to say that it's a second console for MS. Since they're companion consoles, I don't see the point of battling them against eachother. If Nintendo made two consoles simultaneously, I don't think we'd argue over which one had the most exclusives by minusing each console from eachother until only the garbage was left. Microsoft obviously ports over it's largest releases to the PC, and it's a point that's being exploited in this post. Will your $399 PC last me the entire lifetime that a console would however? Popular opinion says no.

The topic itself was obviously just waiting for someone to say "PC doesn't count" so they can take multiple topics from the PC forum and have people look at them by linking them as reasons. That is why this was posted in the general gaming forum, which sees the most traffic, and not the Microsoft forum where it belongs, which doesn't see a 4th of this traffic. 

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.