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ps3-sales! said:

Again, I'm not saying games have to include multiplayer. On the contrary; I can't stand when developers tack on multiplayer in games that have no business in the online market *cough Tomb Raider/Dead Space 3 cough*. But still, you have to look at the price for such little time gaming. Why does any person spend $60 at launch for Dmc? They obviously don't know how much the game will last. You can wait a couple weeks and get it on Amazon for $20 cheaper usually. All I'm saying is I don't understand why you'd essentially trade $60 for a 12 hour playthrough of Dmc with little replayability, and not sell back the game. It doesn't seem logical to me. 

It does look like a great game though, I'm not knocking the actual game, just games with similar play times and low replayability. As for Guild Wars 2, I can't run it on my horrible Laptop nor am I very successful with large MMO's after Runescape lolol.

Different people, diffrent tastes. Some play 2 hours a day and might need a week or two to beat DMC. That's more than enough gameplay for them. The same people might hate long games and not play ninokuni, because they don't have that much time and it would require months of their gameplay. I, for example, never managed to beat Eternal Sonata, an absolutely superb game, because it was too long for me. Same with persona 4. I'm not playing it any time soon, as i only have a few hours a week to game and it's gonna affect my studying time.

Number of hours simply doesn't matter to some people. It's like a quality vs quantity argument. I still don't see how getting say Ninokuni or Uncharted 1 or 2 on launch day is any better than buying DMC. Now, if you were arguing why buy games at launch instead of waiting a few weeks for massive price cuts, I'd totally agree with you (though there are exceptions. e.g. all your friends buying COD day one, getting a niche title early on before the online community is non existent etc).