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disolitude said:
I think PC stuff shouldn't be included as well.

PC is great and all for word porcessing but only 1 in 10 freinds of mine play PC games. I just can't be bothered to install, make sure my pc is up to spec, keep uptaded video cards...

I also hate the fact that unless you spend over 1000 bucks, you can't really enjoy the game at its highest visual setting. It pisses me OFF playing DOOM 3 on medum settings when I know it can look better... So getting PC ports on a console is a big blessing for me.

1- Computers are cheaper than ever, with the medium budget build going around 800$

2- PC is getting more and more intuitive. Vista is more intuitive than XP, Steam offers easier access, etc...

3- Even if you can't max the games, it will still most likely look better on PC. console COD4 is only 600p, near the minimum resolution of the PC version; Crysis on medium settings looks better than any console game, etc... 

mrstickball said:
shio - Can you give statistical proof from NPD, or any other tracking service that shows that unit sales of PC games is increasing?

Last I checked, the PC market was decreasin

Is this a joke?

Garcian Smith said:
Here's an idea: How about you PC fanboys stop trying to troll a website dedicated to console games with your "hurr PC is better" drivel. If you want to discuss why your beloved platform is better than those ugly consoles for babbies, then take it to another forum and stop trying to stir up drama here.

I'm here because I have taken interest in sales age, and I own a Wii and my brother's 360. However, I'm still a PC gamer, and I'm baffled at the ignorance of some of the console owners who think PC gaming is dead, even though I've proved them wrong every time.