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shio said:
twesterm said:
stof said:
Crazzyman is using this list to say that there really aren't many good Xbox exclusives if you don't count PC games. But a lot of people would rather play on a console than a PC. So to me, Bioshock, Mass Effect and Gears of War are all games which would make me by an Xbox 360.

Yeah, PC games don't really count. I know PC gamers love to pipe up with whatever reason, but sorry, PC gamesjust don't really count. Except WoW, random Steam multiplayer Steam games, and games like peggle the PC markey is shrinking quicker and quicker.

Anyone who says PC games don't count are either insecure or know nothing of the PC market. Console and PC markets may be different, but don't even use that as an excuse to NOT compare the game releases between the platforms, especially when 360 and PC have so many similar characteristics.

PC has a much bigger and better amount of exclusives coming out this year than the Xbox 360's entire lifetime. There's no comparison.

And by saying PC is shrinking just proves your ignorance.

PS: OP, Viva Pinata is also on PC, not exclusive


It easy to say that the PC has more exclusives if you count the 50 or so $5 games released every month but do we really want to count those?

The people that said this is a console gaming site hit the nail on the head.  That's not saying that PC gamers aren't welcome here, but when we're talking about the console wars we mean just that.