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The demos for both Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and Dead Space 3 have been released in the last week, and I wanted to see who has played them and what they thought.

Do they match expectations, exceed them or do they provide a disapointment? Are consistent with what you felt about other game sin the series or do something different that is either adds to or detracts from the games?

For me, MGR: Revengeance has a series of flaws. The combat feels really awkward, it is extremely diffcult to block attacks and there doen't appear to be an ability to dodge attacks. Playing it reminded me of Japanese fighting games in the way characters attack and their battle cries, which just felt werid for the type of game it is. Also, I know the game isn't going for realism but some of the animations and mechanics were both bizarre and sloppy. I hate how Raiden just jumps 4 feet in the air, I know he's a cyborg but it makes it awkward tring to scale obstacles (in the sense he moves up, not forward). And it might be minor, but pay attention to Boris when he contacts Raiden on his HUD, his mouth keeps moving when he stops talking.

My experience with Dead Space 3 probably just shows I'm not really cut out for the horror genre. I don't like the weapon selection and it bugs me that I'm constantly running out of ammo (I know, this is part of what makes a horror game). But in comparison to Dead Space 2, the Necromorphs don't really appear as scary. This partly due to the large, open environment making them appear smaller (is this due to the camera position?) and therefore fewer gory details.

Hack-and-Slash and Horror may not be my favourite genres but I played others games in these categories and had a far better time with them. Anyone else have any thoughts?