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So before we get into the nitty gritty, I just want to say that it is good to be back.  Man-Bear-Pig told me he had a secret way of getting to Santa's Workshop, but that to get there I had to go completely on foot (and swim, a LOT of cold swimming) and that meant I had to leave in September.  It was a long journey, it was cold, and it involved being violated by a Polar Bear in ways that made my mother disown me, but I am back now.  Also, MBP is full of shit about Santa's Workshop.  No Toy Factory made of Chocolate, no Magical Dance Breaks during lunch, no elves, no candy canes, a few ill tempered reindeer along the way but none of them flew, and no Santa Claus.  Ok, there was a fat guy in a red suit at the North Pole, that surprised me, but he was clearly Russian, clearly intoxicated, and when I sat on his lap it felt like he had a flashlight in his pants.  Who puts a flash light in their pants?  Russians, that's who.

Anyway, onto the topic at hand.  PSV had a pretty mediocre launch, almost a year later, WiiU, also, fairly mediocre launch.  Week 1 for both systems was good, but cue the sales a few weeks out, nothing to go write home over.  Also, the outlook for NEAR future games (yes I saw Nintendo Direct, and yes I splooged when they announced WWHD, Mario 3dU, Mario Kart U, Smash Bros at E3, etc) is rather bleak.  So the question is, which system should worry more?

Vita STILL to this day does not have a world wide million seller.   It is selling abysmally in Japan, and really has no WORLDBREAKING game on its horizon.  Persona 4 Golden is an AWESOME game, but it hasn't garnered the sales to really move systems. 

WiiU has 2 million sellers so far, but after that, its a steep decline.   ZombiU is awesome, but like Persona 4 Golden, hasn't been a system mover.  Also, WiiU STILL suffers the public assumption that it is just a new controller for Wii.  I have had this argument with 4 or 5 engineer co-workers, they tell me that it isnt a new system (even after I tell them that YES, I have it, and YES, I HAVE THE #^$&#^^$%$&$#-ING Wii as well), and why should they buy the same old Wii with a fancy screen controller?

Vita has the best graphics of any dedicated gaming handheld ever released.  It can stream some Playstation 3 games, and has a huge back catalog of PS, PS2, and digital PSP games.  If Sony can get some more AAA portable titles (and not dumbed down console experiences) on it, the thing could be one of the best devices ever. 

Wii U is the most powerful system out right now. Yes, it will be eclipsed shortly, but for right now it holds the pole position.  It has some true Blockbusters waiting in the wings and if Ninty can up its marketing and get people to realize the potential of the system, it could be another must have device.  

Right now though, both are struggling.  I think PSV is in more trouble solely because Sony as a company is in dire straits and may be forced to axe it in the coming years to focus on PS4.  You might have a different opinion, sound off.