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M.U.G.E.N said:
Sal.Paradise said:

It does seem a bit strange to me how much first party support and press PS3 is getting right ( supposedly) at the end of its life, when there's a new handheld crying out for more stuff. Gravity Rush was initially a PS3 game, but was moved to Vita when Sony saw the potential in it and I'm wondering why they didn't do this to a few more first party games. I think the Vita could benefit a lot more from a Santa Monica developed GoW title than the PS3 could, I think Puppeteer could stand out among the crowd and generate a lot of buzz on a handheld where it won't be able to on home consoles, as couple of examples. 

As for PR, Kyary has a million followers on twitter. That tweet is probably the most effective advertisement for Soul Sac that will ever be released. 

don't get me started on Puppeteer and SCEJ... -_- that game could have been their crown jewel so-to-speak after soul sacrifice for the system..but nah >_> that would take more than two brain cells to figure it too many for the guys in charge over there apparently. They better damn well have some good games lined up to make up for it...and a stupid brain training game is not gonna cut it

@kitler: I looked around and I think I can sell it for around 180-200 with a game thrown in if I want to. I can use that money for a next gen home console. But selling is a last resort action. I can't stress how much I love this system, I want it to do well. And I don't mean sales..fuck them I don't care lol but proper support

well you've got me there, puppeteer would make for a great portable game.

..but i'm going to tell you the same thing i told the wii fans out there.  when you're an early adopter you don't have much ground to stand on complaining about support.  you just never know what will happen in the 2nd and 3rd years.  but anyhoo, i'm happy as a clam atm.  i have more than 10 games and at least 5 games i'd buy still.  that means even without SS, KZ, tearaway i should be more or less good though the holidays 2013.