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Kresnik said:
oni-link said:

 since Sony is strapped for cash (damn Vita).

I don't even know where to begin with this sentence :|

Let's be honest, Sony great decline in videogames (3rd place this gen) started when they entered the difficult handheld market.  With their current financial situation; it beffudles me that they chose to release a money losing handheld instead of staying with the still competitve (and profitable PSP).  The PS3 had just started becoming a profitable endeavor for them the last 2 years or so; and now they commit themselves to this resource hemmoraging platform.  I picked up X360 over the PS3 because I think Sony had lost focus on what's important and what they do good (consoles).  I hope they can regain that focus and comeback strong for the upcoming next gen of consoles. I hope all 3 platforms(720, PS4 and Wiii U) remain and sustain a healthy financial state; as we see it is sad when companies fail and good people lose jobs.