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I think for the Wii this generation is a success. As a PC gamer it's nice to finally have a console that can give me an experience the PC can't. Any other platform, for that matter.

The top 5 highest rated games on the 360 have a superior PC version and that's not even the biggest tragedy of the 360. I love a lot of their games (Crackdown, Forza 2, Dead Rising) but the RROD bit me too many times (3). I got rid of mine and called me and MS even.

The PS3 would be great if it weren't for the horrible load times, the price, and the fact that it always gets the worst of the 2 multiplatform games. Also, wtf is up with installs? If you bring up the PC to compare this to, my PC has 500 GB of HD space, not 80.

As someone who isn't into consoles for the most part, the Wii is the only one that turns my head, though I'd love to have a PS3 or a 360 if they could fix their crippling problems.

I just need someone to convince me to get a PS3 :(