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Wander_ said:

EXAMPLE: if a black person calls you a "cracker", then you should have every right to call that person, a "N****r." but you get accused of a hate crime, and they get off the hook even though they started it. the media is such BS cause they make me want to feel ashamed for being white. thats just wrong, why should i be blamed for something that my ancestor's did? in case you dont realize this im talking about slavery.

White slavers used to call black slaves the N word as a derogatory term to put them down. So if you say that you should have every right to call that racist black person the N word, yet you say that you shouldn't be blamed for something that happened in history, then you're contradicting your very statement. When a non-black person says the N word to a black person, then it is synonymous to the hate term used in history. I agree that racism of any form is bad, but tackling racism with racism is not the right solution and you don't inherit the "right" to use such racist terms.

On another note, can anyone explain to me the significance of "cracker" and why (if at all) it is offensive to white people?