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I dunno, while the announcements were a nice surprise (they actually revealed more stuff than in some of their recent E3 conferences), there was little for me to get excited about. A pretty mixed bag for me. The stuff I didn't care for:

- Zelda WW HD - WW on Gamecube was actually one of the few Zelda games I've played from start to finish, and since it didn't really do much for me, I have no reason to pick it up and play it again, even with the improved graphics and gamepad functionality.

- Fire Emblem - Never was a fan of the series, so this announcement is a moot point for me.

The stuff that I have mixed feelings about:

- Virtual console announcement. Should have came out with the console. While it's nice to hear it's coming and that Wii U owners can finally play the VC games on the gamepads, the idea of charging a dollar extra to use this functionality is pretty ridiculous. I'll stick with the old games on my Nexus thank you very much.

- Mario Kart, 3D Mario, Smash Bros, Zelda mention. Don't get me wrong, I love these franchises, but let's be honest, I think it goes without saying that these were coming. Simply mentioning isn't enough to get me excited. At least show some screenshots or a teaser trailer, Nintendo. The fact that they didn't is a bit worrisome because it shows that these games may not have even been started yet, or they're at least in the very early stages. I dunno, maybe Nintendo is holding out for E3 on that.

Now HERE is the stuff that gets me excited:

- The new Yoshi's Island/Epic Yarn game. Yoshi's Island is still one of my favorite games on SNES, and enjoyed Epic Yarn as well. I just hope the formula follows the former more closely rather than the latter.

- New Xeno game. Wii U needs games like this, these massive RPGs, especially with the gamepad that seems designed for these sorts of games. I'm about a forth of the way through Xenoblade and I can safely say it's one of the greatest games on the console, so this one should not dissapoint.

So there are essentially TWO new games announced that interest me, the first of which I had already heard rumored. So did it change my opinion of the console? Not really, though it did give me a little more faith in the library, knowing that these conferences can be held and more games can be announced at any moment. At the end of the day, I'm still probably going to wait either for Mario Kart/Smash Bros release, or a price cut, whichever comes first. At that point, the VC will be established, the software will run faster, and the library will be much stronger.