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The only open positions I have currently is in Sony and Ford, I bought SNE ADR's under $10 (9.90) dollars and its currently over 13. Even with the huge dilution upcoming, negative feed back loop that surrounds the stock, the fact that it no longer goes down on bad news, the capitulation trade is now in. There is just too many positive catalysts that surrounds the big Japanese exporters. Their 10% investment in Olympus look to be a good one after an initial swoon. Depending on how their earnings look for this quarter, i might sell into it only to by back as I can see the stock move higher despite the report if they give a positive outlook.

Ford looks like it will correct it soft european sales by selling more and more cars in China. The CFO said that they expect like 20+ million cars to be sold in the country this year and that number can easily reach 30 million/year in the next decade.