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I think it was a great idea. The only people who are in the beta are people who like halo. Period. Maybe a few guys who wanted to try it out because they bought crackdown. No out of the crowd guy bought a xbox just to get in the beta (and if they did it did the same job as halo 3 would have) Because of all this the devs can make the game better they can listean to their fanatics and give them what they want, they can fix and solve problems that might have been plauging the game. Then when the casual gamer comes along they can have all the fun in the world. "It is kinda like if your parents let you take a peak at one of your Chrsitmas presents early. Sure it may be something that you have wanted forever and are finally getting, but the suprise and wonder that was surrounding that wrapped box under the CHristmas tree will be lost......" Well I tend to think of it like another person in your family opened it and rewrapped it and made it better and funner.