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brendude13 said:
justinian said:
I think MS has a much better chance of winning next gen than they did this current one.

Ideally I would love an approx 33% split market share between the three. It's asking a lot but who knows,

One thing I am learning a lot these days is that the future is getting less predictable. A lot of external influences can affect the outcome of who comes out top dog.

I would say this generation is the closest we'll ever get to an even market share. It's pretty amazing how close all 3 consoles will end up to eachother.

I know, and that's why it's been such an good gen. I didn't really like the "monopoly" Sony had last gen and hoped for a closer race. I pretty much got my wish.

Anyway the last thing I want is another run away winner. I am not mentally tied to any of the companies involved like so many others.

As someone who have a love for the industry I want all three to do well.

I don't care if MS or whoever comes last as long as it is a relatively closely fought contest. That's why I have some worries regarding the wii u current sales but it's a long way to go yet and until all three systems are on the market for a while we won't know the situation.