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here is a good post from neogaf

I don't think they are trying to compete in the tech arms race with Sony. They apparently spent less of their budget on GPU, 12CUs vs 18. And made some performance sacrifices to the memory system to have the quantity required for heavy non-game functions. I don't think it's a PS2 and Xbox difference in aggregate performance. However in practical terms, I doubt the two will be as closely matched as the PS3/X360 generation. From what we "know", that is stuff DF confirmed through multiple independent sources, PS4 easily seems stronger. I think the burden of proof lies with those people that claim the large difference in GPU logic is overcome by the move DMAs. Seems like space age technology. Maybe MS did have an inside deal with AMD and its GPU tech is a few years ahead, but I doubt it.

i kinda of agree with him, its just seems proelite and agieses work for Microsoft and are way to active in hyping up 720..