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CGI-Quality said:
ninjablade said:
CGI-Quality said:
ninjablade said:

the 360 ram was not split, only ps3 was, thats why some ps3 games like skyrim and fall out 3 had problems.

I never said the 360's RAM was split. 

you don't understand, many deveoplers have said wiiu is on par with currentgen, currentgen is already struggling to keep up, game like , crysis 1 and 2,  ac3, far cry 3 run like crap and rub sub hd, like COD blops 2.

I do understand. Some developers say it is weaker or equal to current gen consoles, others say otherwise. What I gather - the system has strengths and weaknesses (much like any console), but still are more powerful than the current HD devices, and while the sequels to both of those will surely top it, the WiiU shouldn't follow in the Wii's footsteps, due in part to its architecture. Besides, the games you mentioned look and run fine on current gen consoles (for the most part - save for Crysis 2, which was a mess, especially on PS3). 

Still doesn't explain why you quoted the last post with that, though. And, you didn't address it - not sure how you picked it out that I said the 360's RAM was split.

lets stop talking about wii u in this thread, developers could say what they want honestly to me i see a system with advanages and disadvantages over currentgen, until i start seeing superior multiplatform games, i will not call it more powerful, samethingthing for ps3 and it why i chose the 360 over it.