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Please explain some of the generation-defining titles or moments in games that you have experienced.  Don't list, and don't worry you can always come back and add more later.

These are my first three.

My first one was Call of Duty 2 for Xbox360.  The immersion with the HD graphics, the surround sound, and the multiplayer opened up this generation for me to think that this was not "more of the same".  Instead it was "the same with more."  It already looks a little dated, but the series started off this gen with a bang, and led the way to CoD4 which I will let someone else talk about.

Wii Sports:  I didn't get it.  I am a Nintendo fan, and I was not looking forward to this.  I liked the idea of the Wii but the whole "blue ocean" thing seemed like the gimmick (not the controller, that always sounded cool to me.  And I knew the Wii would be successful).  When I bought the Wii, and my Dad and his wife, and all my employees, and my brother's in-laws, all made their Wii's and wouldn't let me play Zelda.   Who knew?  Well, no analysts and not many gamers (nintendo fans or not).  So everone I knew was playing... still are.  And you know what? It's great.  I love playing games and talking to people about games.  Now there are more people playing games.

Heavenly Sword:  I know, you're thinking, "What the hell?"   Well I thought the production values were some of the best in any game.  Not just in one scene, but the entire game.  It was short, but every moment was presented beautifully.   

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.