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Grandia said:
Turkish said:
Grandia said:
Turkish said:
Ask that question in 5 years. If Microsoft fails to capture a share of the tablet market, itll slowly head towards irrelevancy in the post pc era.

The better question is how relevant tablets still will be in 5 years. It is often the same with this hype products a vast increase in the beginning and a rapid downfall when the hype is over.

The traditional pc exist since 30 years even more, its nothing that will be replaced in the forseeable future as oppose to this  tablets has to show if someone still cares in 5 years from now on for them. 

1. Tablets will overtake laptops this year

2. Pc manufacturers' revenue and sales are going down, only Lenovo sold more

3. Intel's revenue are going down

4. The pc was never challenged in its entire life, tablets are a real threat. MS realized this and added tablet like interface to Win8.

You said it for your selfe Tablets will overtake laptops, so if at all the Tablet is a competitor for laptops and not for the traditional pc. Laptops for there selfes never replaced the pc so why should Tablets do this? In offices, for work and for hardcore PC gaming the traditional pc will still have its place in the future, like it had in the past.

And the Tablet really has to show if he still matters  in 5 years and if he can replace the Laptop.

Do you guys really ever tire of hearing your own bullsh*t?  I remember five years ago when laptops were supposed to overtake desktops and guess what, desktops are still here and they are not going anywhere.  Tablets will never take over laptops because they are not nearly as functional as a laptop.  Sure they are fun to surf on and to do minimal work but there will always be a place for laptops.  Tablets will not replace desktops and MS did not see them as a threat to the PC but as an added stream of income.  Apple's luster is beginning to diminish and Android's brand is getting stronger.  Apple has more to lose than MS.