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Wander_ said:
MoHasanie said:
This is probably written by some Apple fanboy. I don't think Microsoft will fail any time soon. They may launch things that become failures, but their Windows and Office software it still the most popular. I expect Apple to fail before Microsoft, and it probably will happen seeing that Apple doesn't have Steve Jobs anymore.

Microsoft doesn't have Bill Gates anymore he retired.

True, but Apple has been succesful for the past few years because they've been very innovotive launching the Iphone and Ipad. Now, without Steve Jobs, it seems like the current people in charge don't know where to take the company. They are launching Ipad mini's, and rumoured to launch cheaper Iphones, but nothing really new. Apple TV has been discussed a lot but it can't be succesful because TV networks won't let Apple take advantage of them. Besides, TV networks don't want people to watch less and less TV live, cause that hurts their advertising rates, so I doubt they will be very supportive of Apple TV. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54