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S.T.A.G.E. said:

Actually Apple is the tortoise. Put in the amount of time Apple went head to head with Microsoft with their long monopoly. Apple proved that you can beat the swift giant in the long run. Microsoft can put their product into every PC, but Apple has their own PC with its own OS. Apple did what some thought was impossible and instead of going head to head on OS made a multimedia hub connecting all of their devices. Microsoft is late to the party and its not even as good. I wish Microsoft luck though, because competition is always good. I really dont want to hear about Microsofts shareholders conference this year, because it might get personal with some of the share holders. They can ignore the share holders for so long and when the shareholders say "I told you so" they will soon have nothing to say, but Balmer will try.


In no way is Microsoft in trouble, they just need to get their act together.

yes microsoft is losing on the tablets and phone market, but they joined the market way later then apple so I dont know if ms had a monopoly in that markets.
apple had like 4+ years of headstart to build their own small monopoly.

and saying that mac os is beating it in the long run is an overstatement. mac os have like what 5% marketshare at best ?
so by that logic ms phone and tablets will beat ios products in the long run since no doubt if they compete as long as mac os and windows did they will also reach 5% marketshare :p

But I think ms will lose in the phone and tablet buisness and maybe even take it of market maybe, but I doubt that microsoft will lose to apple on the desktop market.