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Wow what a FAIL article...

1. - Claiming MS has only 20% marketshare now, down from 95% in 2005? What a misleading load of bullocks! MS still maintains a 92% desktop OS marketshare! This guy is clearly lumping all of the mobile/tablet OS's into the mix to make MS look terrible! If we do that, MS again has grown in marketshare since Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 are gaining popularity (albeit slowly) in the mobile/tablet space.

2. - The Xbox's division EDD, has been posting profits for years now! We are talking about 2-3 billion in profit over the last few years and I see this continuing since the "Xbox 8" has been in development for quite some time, with heavy R&D, and the division still posting huge profits.

Those are the 2 main glaring mistakes from the article. Since 007BondAgent was asking what was so inaccurate.