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 Famitsu has released the result of a recent poll, about what systems people plan to buy in Japan this year, participant can pick multiple systems; the result shows that 64% of Japanese plans to buy PS Vita this year, followed by 48% for 3DS and 33.8% for Wii U; 10% of people also picked smartphone (other than iPhone). 75.6% of participants were male and 24.4% were female.

  1. PS Vita - 64.0%
  2. 3DS - 48.2%
  3. Wii U - 33.8%
  4. PS3 - 25.2%
  5. PC - 14.4%
  6. Xbox 360 - 10.6%
  7. Smartphone - 10.0%
  8. PSP - 9.6%
  9. Wii - 9.0%
  10. iPad - 7.0%
  11. DSi/DSiLL - 5.2%
  12. iPhone - 5.0%
  13. iPod Touch - 4.0%
  14. Other - 2.4%
What do you guys think? Finally some good news for the Vita? Probably most players already own a 3DS, or some new title coming for Vita is highly anticipated? Or the poll is just wrong?