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Gnizmo said:
Edouble24 said:

You can't really button mash in Soul Calibur and do well. You can win against people that also don't know how to play. Same goes for any fighting game. What separates the good fighting games from the bad ones is that once you're playing an experienced player your button mashing tactics are rendered useless. I don't feel Wii Sports has that level of depth to it, as I can just swing my arm randomly each time and get a great score, beating out people that bowl as they do in leagues and what not.

I also don't agree that every game has room for improvement, or not much anyway. Those are the games that I feel deserve 10s, games like Smash Brothers, Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Brothers 3, Super Mario Galaxy etc. These are games that are not far from perfection, I don't think Wii Sports is on that level of quality in whatever genre you'd like to place it in, which was all I was really saying.

Gnizmo, with your comments about the other games I now see no point in arguing with you. We're basically debating over Wii Sports deserving a 7.5 or an 8.5 and to me the difference isn't all that big.  

haha Bod you hit your head on a wall everytime someone doesn't agree with what you're saying? That would explain why you don't make any sense.

 I never said you can win a lot of matches, but you can win a round here or there. Not against the best of the best of course, but people who are very good can get taken down by a button mashing Maxi. On the other hand I have yet to meet anyone who can beat me in Wii Sports. I take down everyone because I can play the game a lot better than them. Inarguably SC has more depth, but also less ways to recover from a bad situation. When you say the game has no depth and anyone just starting can be an expert it tells me you really haven't played the game much. Someone randomly swinging the tennis racket won't score a single point on me in tennis. I will simply have to hit the ball twice and it will land in a spot they simply can't get to because they played the game badly.

 If Resident Evil 4 was perfect, how can Resident Evil 4 Wii edition have better controls? What is the point in making Resident Evil 5 if the game has piqued and can no longer be improved upon? Nothing is perfect. Every game can be made better.

I've said over and over that the game has some depth so I'm not even gonna respond to that anymore.

As for Resident Evil 4, I'm judging the game based on the hardware it's on. You don't judge RE4 as if it's an Xbox 360 game, there was virtually nothing that could be improved in the Gamecube version aside from some minor details. Sure you can always add content but the gameplay itself was pretty much flawless. Same goes for the Wii version of the game.

Why make RE5? Because no matter how amazing a game is people wont play one game for the rest of their life. Mario 3 is better than Mario World but damn I still love both. Mario 3 is my favorite 2D platformer, which is pretty much perfect to me, doesn't mean I'll not play any 2D platformer I find inferrior. Resident Evil 5 is also on a much more powerful console which means new things can be implimented that weren't possible in RE4(so you don't dock points from the game for it). Also you base the game around the new things that can be added to give it a different feeling. That wont take away from the perfection of RE4, it will just add to RE5. 

Now you're right, no game is 100 percent perfect but some games come VERY close and those are the games I'd score highly. I just don't think Wii Sports really comes close and I can see the Wii doing much better

P.S. Resident Evil 5 wont be as good as 4