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I think it's really necessary that Nintendo implements some kind of mandatory achievement system! It doesn't have to look exactly like the one from MS or Sony but i think an achievement system is also a factor for which system the consumer buys his/hers 3rd party games for. I know it is for me, i buy most of my multiplats for the 360 because i like how the profile puts together everything you have played, you can see your progress, can compare with your friends etc.

Nintendo has the right instrument with the MiiVerse, all they have to do now is to expand the system there! Right now the possibilities are very limited and primitive, why can't we see the games we have played in our profiles? That would be a start, they could implement a 6 step system for every game for example: If you progress the game, for each step you cross you can collect an item. For example a fire flower for the first step, a red mushroom for the second step and so on and if you complete the game you get a star or whatever. Those items would all add together in your profile and maybe you could unlock certain things when you have collected enough items of a kind.

Thats just an idea i had, it certainly needs some rethinking i know I'm not a fan of those "kill 50 enemies" or "make 20 backflips" achievements, that's why i think it would be better to keep them on a low number. But if every developer can make his own system and implement something one way or another, it's just not satisfying for the consumer, nobody will keep track and it's just confusing.

But it's Nintendo, i'm not getting my hopes up about that, they are just really conservative about stuff like that...