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albionus said:
windbane said:
albionus said:

Wait, Uncharted is supposed to be the PS3's huge system seller? Another thread has Warhawk touted as that game, and wasn't it supposed to be Lair a week or so ago, and Heavenly Sword a couple weeks before that, and LBP a couple weeks before that, ..., and Motorstorm a couple weeks before that, and Resistence before that? I'm getting confused, which game is it? Or would the assumption that it's whatever piece of eyecandy has pics/videos/demos released that week be correct?

Yes, all of those games will sell systems, and that is a very incomplete list. Resistance was the only great game at launch, so of course it helped. Motorstorm was there for the Europe launch, so of course it helped there. All those other games will help sell the console. Good point.

You must be an xbox fan, that only has 1 game that sold the console (ok, 2, but same series). 

Another, I'll be generous, near miss there windbane .  Of course it's an outwardly incomplete list, hence the "LBP, ..., Motorstorm".  I didn't feel like listing every single game Sony fanboys have claimed will sell the PS3, just enough to get he general point across that there are a lot of them.  Sort of like grasping for straws one could say.  Well if Resistence and Motorstrom "sold" PS3's then you're supported my belief that most of those games won't sell the PS3.  1 or 2 may to a limited degree (it is still going to be a $400-600 system we are talking about after all) but it's way too early to know which will.  I'm not sure about the Xbox fan part, I liked the original one and the current one is cool enough though the high price and poor quality/customer service are keeping me away for the time being.  Halo 3 will still be there whenever MS figures out how to make a cheaper non-shoddy product.

1 game shouldn't sell systems....not $600 dollar ones

but finaly the PS3 is going to have an Impressive 1st&2nd Party lineup all of the games that you metioned that are exclusives will help move systems in Christmas . Couple that with the fact that additional 3rd parties like MGS4 and Final Fantasy XII will be out soon after Christmas and also exclusive. How does that not help sell systems. Do not forget about the PS2 owners that will pay the extra because they know Socom and God of War III will be on PS3 as well.

The fact is Sony itself is closing the gap on the 360 by creating BIG games for the PS3 the 3rd party exclusives will be the gravy. Sony noticed that thats How Nintendo grinded it out the last 2 consoles you must have your own IP's and now they are rolling them out unlike anytime before. All they need to do is keep the Big 3rd Party exclusives and Christmas will be fine. It's all about games not 1 game