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Runa216 said:
You know, I'm almost out of games to play on Vita. Once I finish Unit 13, all I have left is Persona 4 and NEed for Speed. thinking of picking up a bunch of games from Amazon for 30 or less, including Smart As, Lumines, and Hot Shots Golf World Invitational. Might get Virtue's last reward and MArvel vs Capcom as well, but I suck at fighters and Virtue's Last Reward is 50 bucks on amazon, which is ridiculous.

Lol, Persona 4 is a lot of game. I have 76 hours on my first play and I still have more to go. I might be playing slow. But if I had to guess i have another 10 hours till i finish. At around hour 50 I had already deiced i was going to play it a second time and get the plat. It's that good. So don't worry just yet about getting some new games, unless you find some good sales of course.