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Edouble24 said:

The fact that the controls don't work at all during boxing isn't a flaw? If that was intended then it was a really bad decision on Nintendo's part. The Tennis controls could also use a bit of work, as could the controls for golf(I'll admit I might just suck as golf). Bowling is really fun but it's hardly accurate either, should it be? I think so.

The controls for Wii Sports are a bit too simple to the point where it's not picking up and advance form of movement, just basic movement. The boxing controls are an absolute mess so I don't think I need to get into that. Tennis, while it works well it could be much better, When I swing back-handed the game doesn't always pick that up, cause my Mii to swing the wrong way and for the ball to go out of bounds.

Wii Sports is a good game but it's very early, If Nintendo gave it another go I promise you they could make a game worthy of a 10 if they nail the motion controls. But Wii Sports as it is does indeed have flaws and limited motion controls, which is what the game is based around.


 Eh? Boxing controls are fine. Most people who criticize them are just upset that their flailing doesn't translate into automatic victory. You actually have to box. Throwing three punches every second never won Cassius Clay any titles. Keep up a tight defense and exploit weaknesses in your enemy's guard and you can achieve a 2000+ rating. just like Doc says in Punch Out, "Dodge his punch, then counter-punch."

Tennis simply has the best controls of any of the Sports games, but most people can't figure out how important position relative to the ball is. They also fail to hold the wiimote in a neutral position where they can swing backhanded, which means when a player who hurriedly get his arm in position for a backhand, the game interprets it as a forehand swing. What's funny is the game doesn't care if you swing backhanded or forehanded, it just looks for the motion. However, if you lift the wiimote up while you swing, you'll lob the ball high. Swing down and the ball may not clear the net. Tennis is the easiest sport to get a 2000+ rating in.

Bowling is the most challenging, because you aren't competing against an opponent. You can't exploit their weaknesses, you have to work to achieve personal perfection. You have to achieve a consistant swing and position yourself so that your consistant swing gets strikes. I have a hard time keeping my swing consistant, so I hover around a 1k rating. My brother-in-law does have a consistant swing, and scores much better.

 Golf is the only sport that really has control issues, and it's mostly just putting, which is far too sensitive. There are tricks to putt effectively, but they completely break the immersion. Golf is a boring sport anyway. :P

Wii Sports is deeper than most people give it credit for.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.