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Runa216 said:
Nem said:

I think the article writer is just pissed off at the ios games, and rightly so. But this is a spin-off, it doesnt affect the mainline. Its not a numbered FF.

What about Final Fantasy XIII and its sequels?  

And what about portable games like Dissidia and Theatrhythm? Those were good games.  Square is still capable of making games (like Bravely Default), they are just ruining and milking Final Fantasy dry.  That cow is squirting dust.   

There's nothing wrong with the JRPG genre, as Ni No Kuni and various others prove.  Square are just alienating their fanbase by bastardizing the Final Fantasy name. 

There's nothing wrong with the iOS platform, Angry Birds shows a game can be simple yet engaging and fun but cheap.  yet Square-Enix thinks they can get HOW much for ports of their old games on there?  they think they can make a game like All The Bravest and that's okay? 

The problem isn't the platform, it isn't the genre, it's the developer and publisher.  Square Enix have, for all intents and purposes, completely given  up on their fanbase in leiu of "MONEYMONEYMONEY!"

I'd be willing to spend money if they made good games again.  Final Fantasy games are worth 100 bucks a piece given the quality of the games and the volume of content, but XIII?  that's not a game, that's a slightly interactive 40 hour movie with shitty characters and an uninteresting, forgettable plot.  

You dont need to preach to me Runa. I detest everything FFXIII. Worst thing that ever happened to FF, given FFXIV is beeing repaired.