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I always get lambasted for saying this, but FFX was the beginning of the end for Final Fantasy. That was when I really saw them focusing on beauty over content. It did plenty of things right (the battle system is one of the best), but the rest of the game was lacking in so many different departments. Story was convoluted but not in a way that I enjoyed at all; some characters were great but some were pull-my-hair-out frustrating; and the environments were gorgeous but empty.

And since it was the same guy who designed & produced FF XIII, that explains the current direction in main-series entries. XII appears to have been a blip in the trend, it's unfortunate things didn't really work out with Ito.

Their current direction of sticking the Final Fantasy name on cash-in iOS games appears just to be the actions of a company in financial trouble. I think FF XIV financial hit them a lot more than anyone realised. Add in the fact that there's plenty of money to be made on iOS/android and that the Final Fantasy name still holds some clout in the gaming world, and you've just got a recipe for minimum-effort stuff to raise some funds. As a console gamer I hate it, and I especially hate the constant lack of information I've had to put up with regarding what is the last hope for Final Fantasy in my eyes, but there's not much I can do about it really. I'll just enjoy other JRPG's (the Tales of series has really caught my attention lately) in the meantime.