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I don't want a remake. I want a new game that evokes the same feelings the fifth-gen Final Fantasy games gave me.

We've got all these new fantastic technologies for graphics, draw distance, all this kind of stuff. Yet FF XIII shoved us down endless, beautiful corridors. That's great and all, but I never got a sense of exploration from it that the older games gave me. I never got a sense of being on this massive, huge, world-changing adventure. I'm not saying it's a bad game, because I did enjoy it, it just wasn't how I saw a Final Fantasy game.

Their attempt towards the end to open FF XIII up a bit worked wonderfully, but even then, the map felt quite small and it was basically just a Monster-Hunter rip off of running from target to target killing stuff.

Similarly, what happened to towns? In what appears to be an attempt to streamline the game, they cut out one of the features which really brought the game to life. Reaching new destinations on a long journey really felt... I don't know. Exciting. Exploring each town and seeing what problems they had to deal with, what stuff was going on with them.

It's these things that I miss most from Final Fantasy. I want to see a HD take on them. I love Final Fantasy VII to pieces, but that game still does give me that sense of adventure I loved. But I want to go on new adventures. Besides, it's still ridiculously convenient to play FF VII in its original form - it's on steam, I can put the disks in my PS3, and it's on the PSN store to play on any of three consoles. And judging by the fact that it's nearly always on the top 5 most downloaded PS1 games on PSN, it seems like I'm not the only one who still finds it playable.