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Seems like a few Nintendo fans won't get their wish of the PS4/NeXbox being only slightly more powerful than the Wii U. I'm going to guess this may cause support issues once 3rd parties abandon the PS3 and 360.

As far as RAM goes, I think 8GB is overkill for games, which is pretty evident in the rumor that MS is going to use ~3GB for the OS and other varying functions (most likely Kinect related). I doubt many developers will require the remaining ~5GB, let alone Sony's 4GB. I also think a PS4 that is the same price, or at the most ~$50 more than the NeXbox, and is going to launch ~6 months within the NeXbox's launch will fare very nicely next gen. Especially since it seems MS wants to just make their next console a Kinect enabled PC, while Sony seems to mainly be focusing more on the gaming aspect, with a few bells and whistles thrown in.