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Michael-5 said:

Yes, exactly. Sex is biologically designed as an act to furthur populations. There are reasons why males want to get laid more then women, and that women are more selective (more reward for males, we don't have the consequence of pregnancy). For the same reason Tigers kills the cubs of any females they mate with because of genetic evolution.

Homosexuality, like schitzophenia, is a random disorder. You don't pass on homosexuality to your children, it's not a gene, just an imbalance. It completly removes the purpose of sex from it's genetic intention, and does nothing to improve the fitness of a species. If anything it hurts the fitness by spreading STD's.

This is different from Monks in China because abstinance is a cognitive choice made by the individuals. It is not something which is forced upon you, Homosexuals do not choose to be homosexuals, and many homosexuals attempt to live heterosexual lives.

Just like schitzophenia, you don't choose to be schitzo. Hence this is a disorder because it prevents people who would otherwise be functioning normally, to reproduce.

You say you're against homosexuality because it spreads STDs. But there's no intrinsic connection between homosexuality and unprotected sex. What you are against is a specific subset of homosexuals: homosexuals who practice unprotected sex. Based on what you said, you shouldn't have a problem with homosexuality as a whole, because homosexals as a whole don't all practice unprotected sex. There are plenty of homoesexuals who practice safe sex, and you should be fine with those people. 

As for the disorder definition, you probably could find a definition that matches homosexuality. That's not really my point. I'm interested in your own personal feelings. I'm interested in the inherent quality of homosexuality that makes you "against" homosexuality. The only inherent 'flaw' of homosexuality is the inability to naturally reproduce. I guess you could be against homosexuality for that reason, though I really don't see why you should care about other people's ability to reproduce.