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You can beat experienced players in Soul Calibur by mashing buttons just like I passed Kingdom Hearts by pressing "X" repeatedly without using items or strategy or anything. That doesn't make them bad games. I feel Wii Sports is like that. It is shallow in a lot of ways. I mean you can't even play one on one with Tennis but I believe it would have been crazy for them to give us 5 full games for free with the Wii.

I think the main problems with people criticizing mini-game collections such as Mario Party is that they are playing them alone. Mario Party is boring when you play it along and the one-player mode really is torture when you play it. However, I agree that this game in particular has serious flaws. The board is just random.

The thing I can't really understand (maybe it's just me) is how can FPS shooters keep getting good scores. I mean all those games are nearly identical. It's always the same things. I can't see what's revolutionary in CoD4 or Halo 3 or Resistance or whatever...