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jman8 said:
konnichiwa said:
If you uninstall a game you also lose your save file???

Just a question...I mean if you have more than 10 games installed on your HD you can uninstall some right?

 Right. Why you absolutely have to have 10 games installed and ready to go at a moment's notice is beyond me. Is it inconvenient that you might have to reinstall a game down the road because you deleted earlier to make space, yeah sure. Is it that terrible of a fate? Not for me at least. I'm in the middle of 3 games max at a time. And I might occasionally throw in another 3 games that I can jus quickly pick-up-and-play like Motorstorm or NHL 2K7. Even if all my games required installs, I still wouldn't have any problems. The mandatory install is only on a few games. Everyone just needs to relax. 

 BTW, Really, this GT5P info shouldn't be news at all. Warhawk, which was also a PSN/Blu-ray game required a full install as well.  

Well, your 60GB drive is really only 56GB of real information. On top of that, the OS takes at least 1GB or so. And if you use the PS3 as the multimedia powerhouse it's touted to be, it's not hard to have ~20GB of video and music on the thing as well... Then there are the save files, pathes, DLC, and whatnot, which can easily combine into several additional GB of information. Without checking, I doubt I have even 50GB of information on mine and there's virtually nothing there barring a few demos and videos, which I delete and replace regularly. If I was to add a few videos, music, and DLC for games, I could have that number under 30GB in a heartbeat. I don't do that because most of my purchases are on the 360. Shit, I have one GB of just Rock Band music on that thing.

So, basically, if I want to be able to pop in more than four games at random into my PS3, I should upgrade the HDD or eliminate every other thing I might have stored on the HDD so that I will clear up as much room as possible for 5GB game installations.

I like your reasoning. 

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