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I'm sorry, dude, but you come off as a typical internet hater. Sure, you do raise some valid points, but you're overly negative almost about everything. Look at your post history and you'll notice it yourself. How many times did you say that you want a game to tank for some reason? Many vgc members have noticed it and mentioned it in other threads (e.g. lewis). Please don't take this as an attack. Just wanted to point out something you're probably not aware of.
No one said we have to lie to ourselves and be positive about everything Vita related, but there's a difference between that and being a wet blanket.

Can we also please drop this and stop derailing the thread?

Anyway, on topic:
Sumioni is a good game, but has left me a bit disappointed. I don't regret my purchase, but I get the low scores it received. It had great potential, so if there is a sequel they'll hopefully work on the length of the game (or at least offer it at a much lower price).

Finally managed to beat Uncharted:Fight for Fortune. Great game, though the last fight against Dillon was cheap as fuck. Back to more all stars fun!