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I'm not going to get into the bigger conversation, just Wii Sports. Wii Sports is not shallow in the least. For the gent that said Mario Tennis is deeper, well yes it is. But Mario Tennis is simply tennis. If they packaged Mario Strikers, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Golf and Mario Baseball as a single title I can see the point. EA packages all of it's sim sports titles seperately. So does 2K Sports. Wii Sports is a compilation, and as such, liberties are allowed to be taken on each fifth of the package because you only need 20% of a real sports game in each sports section.

What Wii Sports does well:

-The Mii integration was genius. It's as deep as you want to make it, with hilarious results depending on your creations. How is that not deep?

-Having your own profiles. Your Mii becomes your profile to track your pro level in each sport and your fitness level.

-The minigames. Each title has three minigames, equaling 15. How does that not show depth?

-The fitness challenges that Fitness Age stats ala Brain Age 

What Wii Sports does not do well:

-Options! Options! Options!  If you want Wii Sports to be percieved as something other than a good technical demo, give your players the most basic of options. In Baseball, which in itself is a decieving word for Home Run Derby, why can't I change the amount of innings? In Boxing, why can't I change the amount of rounds? In Tennis, you can't even get the sense that it's your fault if you lose, since your player moves independent of you. Bowling is perfect, so I cannot hate on it and golf has minor control issues but nothing that distracts too much from the gameplay.

Reviewers got it all wrong though. This is a great game for a party atmosphere, which is what it was created for. Anything having to do with single player play lacking should be stricken from the reviews. Anything having to do with depth of gameplay should be stricken also, even most of my above comments. Why? Because this was targeted for your grandmother, and your uncle, and your girlfriend, to play with you. This was brought forth in the Nintendo press statements and should have been put into consideration. The technical aspects of this game are great, where they're REQUIRED to be. The reviewers decided to write the review for the fella reading the gaming mag, without enforcing that his mother and father and sister and aunt will love it, and he'll love it because they do, and that kinda gathering is always the best.

8.5/10-No lower, no higher 

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.