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Those who work in retail, have worked in retail, or may eventually work in retail have a term they apply to people such as yourself. This is the technical term mind you and I am relating it verbatim. You are referred to as a Asshole. Thats the technical term for you based upon what you are doing. Going through life making life harder for other people merely because it serves your purposes.

The employees have to clean up your mess. Not only are they required to maintain the system that is determined without their consent. They also use the system to recall where certain items are. You know to help your fellow customer find what they want in a timely manner. Your even wasting the retailers money by making the operation less efficient. The result things cost more.

Seriously would you like someone walking through the place you work randomly rearranging things. I am pretty sure you wouldn't appreciate it in your home. Your there to shop so do it, and leave everyone else alone. They weren't bothering you in the first place. You like a game pick it up for a friend, or tell your friend about it.

Above all else stop being an asshole. Thats what people are calling you when they have to spend their valuable time undoing your damage. Thats what the customer who has to spend more time then needed to find that item is becoming. You want to be a good person right?