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ferret1603 said:
Am I the only one thinking that another MS console within the next two years would still be this generation?

Its competition would be the Wii and PS3 not the Wii 2 and PS4. If MS do release a console so soon then the Wii 2 and PS4 will only be launching at the time MS release their fourth console. They've only been out a year and Sony and Nintendo aren't going to release new consoles when they've only been out 2-3 years.

It'd look like this:

Wii/PS3/XBox 360/XBox 720
Wii 2/PS4/XBox 1080

Attempting to cut this generation short would fail. Sony and Nintendo would have no need to rush out another console when the Wii's on fire and the PS3 is still pretty cutting edge. All Microsoft would be doing is resetting their current gen hardware sales to zero and many 360 customers would opt for a cheap PS3 or Wii instead of the next xbox due to the RRoD and feeling like MS had screwed them over.

Microsoft will most likely not release a new console until 2010 or 11.  If they release in 2010, they will be a year before Sony.  If it is 2011, they will probably be releasing at the same time.  If you look above where I posted the release dates for each console in past generations, it has been the same across the board, from Nintendo to Sony to Sega (while they were still making consoles) and now Microsoft also.  The 360 was 4 years after the Xbox but since the 360 has been more successful out of the gate than the Xbox was, they'll stick with it for the full 5 years.

Whatever Microsoft releases next, it will be a console more powerful than the PS3 by far and then Sony will come with something comparable and we'll start our debates over again.  Nintendo, keeping in line with their strategy, will make something that is about as powerful as the 360 or PS3 so they'll have moved up into the HD market also.  The console will be cheaper than the other two but I don't think you'll see $500 consoles again until inflation makes it so or some company forgets what happened this generation and thinks they can get away with it. 

Thank god for the disable signatures option.