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I did some more thinking on this and came up with two possibilities:

-You can only aim the gun when you're not moving. Tilt the left analog stick slightly, like with directional attacks, to aim. This works on all possible controllers, as they all have a left analog stick for movement.

-You use the classic/GC controller. The weapon starts firing as soon as you pick it up, and keeps firing as long as it has ammo no matter what the player does. Left analog stick moves and right analog stick aims. This would mean no more instant-smashes with the right stick, but it was kind of superfluous anyway.

Now I know it says Control Stick, on the English site, which to me sounds like the left analog, but the Japanese site says (very directly translated) "it is possible to change the shooting-angle with the stick's up and down" and I'm sure we've all noticed the guy doing the site is no English profesor, so I can easily imagine him meaning the right analog as well.