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Stever89 said:
Edouble24 said:
Well said, but I still have to disagree as I think you give user reviews too much credit. Just use this site as an example, somehow 106 people have reviewed Final Fantasy XIII already, many giving it the lowest score, others giving it the highest. Video game fans that submit fan reviews aren't the same people casually picking up the Wii controller and playing fun game of Wii tennis or Wii bowling. And Final Fantasy XIII was a lone example, I could have named one of the any hundreds of popular unreleased games. This is also not limited to VGchartz, it's just how video game fans are. 90 percent of them have something against a series/game and wrongfully bash it any chance they get. I'd never take the average of user reviews seriously.


And I think you give the critic too much credit. Middle ground reached!

I don't really know why I'm arguing over this. Critics in general should always been taken with a grain of salt, and since any human critic (read: ALL) will have some personal bias, and review can't always be taken as the 'be all end all' way as rating a game. There's games that obviously some people like more than other people. Can we agree on that?

Also, for depth, try out some of those "training" things they do in WiiSports. You have to unlock some of them too. The second level in bowling gives you 10 throws, and each throw adds a row of pins to the end. Your scored on how many pins you knock down, and strikes double that score. By the 10th throw, you have to knock down close to 90 pins. It's pretty popular with some of my friends (and including the bowling one). I think a lot of people miss those "training" games, that can be a lot of fun.

heh I only give one reviewer any real credit and that's myself. I actually think most game critics are pointless as I've said plenty of times, I just don't see the 'unfair' treatment that people are claiming exists. Maybe once in a while it happens with casual and hardcore games, but I hardly feel like reviewers aren't doing their jobs because Mario Party 8 didn't recieve raving reviews.

I've done the training mode in Wii Sports, as I said it does have some depth and the bowling game is my favorite, I just see room for a lot more that's all. And I agree that it was fun.