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seiya19 said:

1. Can we just acknowledge that there's people on both sides of the fence that are being disrespectful (or worse) to those who disagree with them ?

Whoever dislikes the game or likes the game, whatever the case, it was these so called dissenters who began this with their behaviour. The people who like the game, I see them as people defending their rights. The people who your reffering to as haters, I do see those people harrassing anyone who likes the game and they have sent death threats and threatened violence agasint those who disagree with them.

2. And the use of the Unreal Engine 3 is no obstacle either, as NetherRealm proved with Mortal Kombat.

Your comparing DmC to a game which uses two characters on screen and limited environments. I can accept under those circumstances 60 FPS can be achieved. I understand that to make this game the way it was intended they had to comprimise the framerate to 30 FPS. If people can't accept that they have the option of buying the PC version or moving on with their lives. It dosen't endorse extremist behaviour.

3. And I don't have any interest in trying to change someone's mind on purely subjective matters.

You might not, but there are people who are doing that via extreme methods, and those people are the 'haters'.

4. But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago — I think that was when the first game came out — isn’t cool anymore. If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out.

You might not agree with his comment. Disagree or agree, I don't have a problem with what he says, either way to claim that your feelings have been hurt  is simply another attempt by these DMC 'fans' to justify their behaviour.

5. I'm tired of the constant disrespect of Western developers and press towards Japanese ones

I'm not sure if you've played Bayonetta but the style of the game is arguabily ubsurd. The woman's clothes come off probabily 1000 times during one playthrough, the style of the game is quinesentially Japanese. I don't really see him disrespecting Japanese developers; he's said he enjoys the game, but he dosen't want that Japanese style for DmC, which is not unreasonable considering the level of sexual objectification and the style.

Regardless of what Assassin's Creed 3 developers or FEZ developers say. I haven't seen Ninja Theory insult anyone here. Tameem has given his opinion, if you don't agree with it fair enough. That dosent' give these DMC 'fans' the right to harrass anyone who disagrees with them, and it certaintly dosent' give them the right to send death threats.

6. And as someone that enjoys Japanese games much more than Western ones, it does bother me.

Even Hideki Kamiya the creator of the series is getting fed up with these sort of extremists. He's told them to 'fuck off' on Twitter when they've harrassed him with their banalities. And Hideki Kamiya has given Ninja Theory his blessing. Whatever the case Japanese or western, if you don't like it you have the option of not buying it. These DMC 'fans' are not interested in respecting the rights of those fans who do want to play it, which is my problem with them.