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Izo said:
the only thing that will solve gun violence other then people not loosing their god damn minds , is doing away with all guns, and i'll leave it at that.

Mit Romney is a hypocrite (IMHO)

Maybe, but this issue has many aspects. One of the issues I find is how fucked up society is and how they treat people. Everyday selfish selfdirecting people make life hard on everyone and they wont change. Many of us are fucked up and the bad attitude is not good for anyone. It isn't just about letting the looner play dodgeball with you its about not treating people like you're better then them (which is what 99% of all of us do). Wanna know who breads alot of this crazy shit? The indivual actions of the majority people of this world. I am sick of sick people. A vast majority of people need major change and self relflection.

In other words: I blame alot of the crazy shit people do on the everyday selfishness of the average person, just as much as I blame the fucked up person.

i couldn't agree more.



greenmedic88 said:
"doing away with all guns"

Okay, until someone manages to locate an all powerful god or djinn willing to do mankind's bidding that can simply "magic" all existing firearms away with a wish, that's not going to happen. Ever. 

There are places in the world where a fully automatic AK-47 can be bought for the equivalent of about $30 USD to put things in perspective. If someone wants one, they'll have to pay more to get one through illegitimate means if they're in a region where such firearms have been made illegal, but to think that by passing a law outlawing its sale or possession equates to a miraculous, magical reality in which they will never be present is so naive it's beyond laughable. 

You'd be better off trying to legislate states of mind between sane and mentally ill.

yea like that would ever happen. you know i was being sarcastic right?