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well i went through like 3 N64 controllers when i was younger

You know when you've tried something for the 40th time and you just can't seem to make this specific jump or something keeps happening? yea

I've smashed the hell out of those controllers when i was younger

My parents would hear me cursing at the TV saying stuff like "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?" or "FUCK IT!! *hears n64 controller smash against the floor*"

I would come back to the game a bit later and try to fix the controller so i could try again lol

but i don't get mad like that anymore


Edit: The game wasn't making me smash the controllers. it was the fact that the game kept "cheating".. or atleast that is what i would say back then


so games like GTA didn't make me want to go out and shoot random people or what not..