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A203D said:
zarx said:

Thats what a rational person says.

"I liked the demo" or "I never got into the other games but this one looks good".

The issue with these DMC 'fans' is that they get upset when anyone wants to play the game or anyone says that it looks good. This Metacritic affair is an attempt of these 'fans' to prevent other gamers from playing the game. To try and prevent gamers from playing the game they say things like:

"Ninja Theory hurt my feelings, that means no one is allowed to play this game now"

"The framerate has been cut to 30 FPS; it dosen't matter that the PS3 and the Xbox are outdated consoles, and as a 'true' DMC fan I have the option of a PC version which will run at over 200 frames per second. No those things don't matter because Ninja Theory hurt my feelings when they said the consoles wouldn't allow them to do 60 FPS."

"It dosen't matter that Hideki Kamiya (creator of the series) has given the game his blessing, because I'm a 'true' DMC 'fan' and I have to go into therapy because Ninja Theory hurt my feelings".

I think that these DMC 'fans' have realised that they've wasted two years of their lives sending death threats to the developers; now their using the only methods they have at their disposal to vindicate how they've wasted two years of their lives attempting to dicate our rights.

The point I'm making is. When I buy a game I buy it so I can play it, I don't buy it so people I don't know on the Internet can play it. They have no right to dicate anyone else's right to play this game. This Metacritic affair is just another example of the extreme lenghts they will go to because 'their' feelings have been hurt.

I have no doubt if these 'fans' could burn every copy of DmC they would do it.

There's clearly people on the "pro" side that are trying to push their views onto others as well...

Here's an example:  Does this thread has any reason to exist when there was already a review thread created by you ? And are the "haters" or anyone that has a negative opinion on the game supposed to change their views based on review scores alone ?

Can we just acknowledge that there's people on both sides of the fence that are being disrespectful (or worse) to those who disagree with them ? And that said people are not representative of everyone in favor/against this game ?

The framerate has been cut to 30 FPS; it dosen't matter that the PS3 and the Xbox are outdated consoles

It really doesn't, and I'm sure you know it. It was perfectly possible for Ninja Theory to reduce all the "bells and whistles" graphics-wise in order to reach 60 fps on consoles. They just didn't care to do so. And the use of the Unreal Engine 3 is no obstacle either, as NetherRealm proved with Mortal Kombat. Sure, there's still the PC version, but not everyone has a PC capable of playing it, or the interest in playing games on PC in the first place.

Personally, what bothers me is not that people enjoy this game or its potential success. And I don't have any interest in trying to change someone's mind on purely subjective matters. The things that bother me are these constant childish responses and straw men used by both sides, exposing the immaturity and intolerance of all gamers. Is it too hard to just "live and let live" ? To just agree to disagree ? To discuss things in a respectful matter ? It's really frustrating...

And yes, some comments from Tameem have bother me. Comments like this, for example:

“The essence of Devil May Cry is all about ‘cool. It’s about Dante being cool and making you feel cool when you’re playing it, and so the combat and the style system and everything is integral to that. But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago — I think that was when the first game came out — isn’t cool anymore. If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out. What Devil May Cry did when it launched was it brought everything that was great about action cinema like the fashion, music — it was like a cultural melting pot — and I feel like now, for Devil May Cry to have that same impact, it needs to draw on new things. New music, new ways of cinematography, new fashion.”

Or this, about Bayonetta:

“Personally, I don’t. I love the game. I think it’s awesome. It’s taken everything — it’s just gone to a total extreme. But in terms of, ‘Do I think it’s cool?’ No, not at all. I think it’s caricatured and over-the-top and very ‘Japanesey,’ and for that absurd style it does that really well, but that’s not what I want.”

I'm tired of the constant disrespect of Western developers and press towards Japanese ones, like what FEZ's developer said, or the regular articles about how Japan is "behind the times", how JRPGs are "dead", or this :

And last but not least, I'm tired of seeing every Japanese IP I care about being given to Western developers to work with, supported by the idea that Western developers are somehow superior, even at making the games Japan created.

Yes, I realize that I'm being off-topic here now, but it's actually directly related to this, as you can see. While this game is just one of the many examples of the "Westernalization" of Japanese gaming that we have seen this gen, it's one of the most obvious ones, further evidenced by Tameem's comments. And as someone that enjoys Japanese games much more than Western ones, it does bother me.