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This story is truly the definition of non existent professionalism, and piss poor journalistic integrity. Scott Lowe is just a fucking disgrace. I am sorry if this offends anyone, but this guy is just making shit up as he goes. There isn't any kind of a causal link between this story, and the rumor they printed previously. Even though that seems to be what the author wants to pretend, because he thinks it gives his site credibility.

There isn't any chain of logic that justifies his comments. Unless he is claiming to have received stolen good. Is that what he is claiming. The former employees are alleged to have stolen proprietary data from a previous employer to give it to their new employer. The contents of that data aren't even specified, and there isn't any proof that they went out and played at being Robin Hood either. In fact it would have been truly stupid if they had. They are getting sued, because the plaintiff claims to have uncovered evidence of a theft. Not evidence that their proprietary data had been willfully leaked to the public.

Why is anyone taking this dunce seriously. He just propagated a bullshit story that wasn't even remotely grounded in the facts. Why should you take anything this site posts seriously either for that matter. Given their obvious lack of content control. I am sick of liars being treated like scholars. This guy shouldn't be elevated he should be spat on. This isn't even a rumor. This is someone trying to pretend a rumor is fact by nudging it up against a actual story.