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Problem with the 3DS right now isn't the hardware but software price. Hardware is selling fine but software numbers are still pretty low. Nintendo needs to realize that with so many free games available on smartphones and tablet people aren't going to pay $40 except for the top notch titles.

In addition to that Nintendo has become a formulaic company, they think they just need to stick a gimmick with each game console/potable and call it a day. And no new franchises since Pikmin (that is before Iwata took over). Wii Sports, Nintendogs, Brain Age, etc don't count, as the 3DS proved (with Nintendogs and Brain Age), those super casual titles don't sell beyond their fads.

And seriously, who thought the Wii U could succeed anyways? Too expensive for the casual, it was clear the gamepad wasn't attractive enough, too underpowered to attract the enthusiast. Unless they can pull off a major hit like Wii Fit was last generation, I don't see this thing selling beyond GC levels, at least in the West. In fact I don't think it would be a major hit even if it was priced at $200, with 140 mil PS360 consoles already sold, who but the most dedicated of us Nintendo fans would care.

And I will keep saying this, Nintendo needs a big change in management. They need new blood more in touch with modern times.